27 January 2014

'Democratic Parenting Style' for TEEN

‘Democratic Parenting Style’ for 


          In fact, dealing with children is never static. Parenting process is continuously growing and full of changing as children grow and their needs and requirements change at the different levels of their mental and physical development. But, it becomes much harder to deal teen-age children due to their reaching up to the point of adult level action, reaction and behaviour when they are not adults, still.

So, it has ever been a question of mass of parents that which parenting style should be leaded especially for the teen-age children. And, that is none other than ‘Democratic Parenting Style’.
Democratic Parenting Style in comparison to the other two most known styles:

The parenting style can be of three types. These are Authoritarian, Permissive and in the middle of these two, that is Democratic.

      As the title shows, Authoritarian Style parenting is a hard and in some extent rigid and order based parenting style. It prefers mostly hard and fast rules, more restrictions, prohibitions and punishments. In an Authoritarian family, the children are often restricted from their choices and interests. Authoritarian parents try to control even the thought and feeling of their children.

       On the other hand the Permissive style of parenting refers freedom more than necessity with less or no restriction and limits. This style is run generally in the family, where the parents have no time for their children. So, the children have less respect here for order, request and commitment.
This style leads indiscipline, lack of manners and less respect for elders and older ones.  Parent’s Impatience and irritation are hidden and sometimes neglected.
Children of permissive families receive so little guidance that they often become uncertain and anxious about whether they are going on the right path or wrongly.

            Thus, there is another way in between these two is Democratic Parenting Style standing on the middle of these two above.

Democratic Style Parenting Circumstances:
  •  This style is neither Authoritarian nor permissive. It stands in between these two styles.
  • It gives freedom to all, on the basis of saving rights of all.
  • All members are responsible for all.
  • Age, experience, knowledge and behaviour do matter here.
  • All give and find right chance to express and contribute their views and thoughts.
  • Here, rejection becomes out of irritation because it takes place only under acceptance.
  • Parents respect children’s interests, opinions and views.
  •  Every family member can make excuse easily when they commit mistake because they are praised, too, when they add values.
  • Parents don’t avoid or neglect their kids because kids are responsible, too not to be neglected.
  • Criticism is always positive here and encouraged by all to improve and correct them.
  • Mistakes always take place here but without fear and the repetition of it is rare.
  • A teen can be seen here to motivate their grand- relatives because ability is respected here.
  • Aggression under limit is happily accepted here because the faulty becomes ready to improve him/her.
  • This family is full of communication so the chances of misunderstanding or misinterpretation are rare.
  • Here punishment is accepted by all because it works for all, accordingly.
  • Bickering and shouting are the expressions of joy here, not the signs of aggression.
  • Motivation works here due to right intention of all.

            Ultimately, it’s nothing but a democratic style family where no one is dissatisfied, demoralized or ignored; they all do their best for all.
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