27 January 2014

Eleven most practical principles of TEEN-PARENTING

Eleven most practical PRINCIPLES of Teen-parenting

It's all about you.

 As a parent...
1. Be the active part of your teen’s life: There are a lot of things for a parent to know and communicate their teens keeping them on right track. It is only possible when a parent is up-to-date about their teens’ daily routine, studies and school, peers and friends and their extracurricular activities. It’s not so easy to know all about these, suddenly. So, every parent must be careful and conscious for active communication with their teens to be updated ,properly. 
2. Be the first friend of your teen: When your teens hide their problems or discuss their problems excluding their parents show the situation that the dialogue and communication between them are not going well and the relation is harsh and hard. A parent must remove this situation to be closed and for sharing right guidelines for them. It is only possible when a parent behaves friendly with their teens.
3. Be the first ideal of your teen: In fact, the parents can’t make their children learn what they say because the children learn only what they see. Observing this fact, every parent should try to improve their own act, reaction, behaviour and attitude first to correct and improve their teens. Parents’ effective behaviour and thoughts motivate their teens to be ideal as their parents are.
4. Be the first forgiver of your teen: Every parent must remember this fact that “mischief is a child and a parent is to forgive”. Children may do mistakes even can commit major mistakes due to their little knowledge, experience and impatient phase of life but on the other hand, this is the way only by which they learn handling poor and worst situations of life. So, you must handle this situation flexibly and wisely keeping in your mind that your forgiveness can only save and improve their deeds and doings.
5. Be the first believer of your teen: When a Mom asks her teen-son about his girlfriend and the son replies correctly and, when a teen-daughter requests her father to let her see her boyfriend to say him “happy birth day” and if, both of these conditions keep their parents relaxed and calm, explain a lot. The condition signs here that the teens believe on their parents and the parents are confident regarding their teens’ and know their Qualities and limitations, too. What is working here is only ‘faith’, which binds them, strongly. 
6. Be the first ruler of your teen: If your child is beaten or punished by others and you accept that behaviour right, is shameful. In all conditions, the parents are responsible to correct their kids first so they are responsible; too, to rule over their kids. Here, identifying the proper way to rule over them is also a major responsibility of a parent. You can find out that way observing this review, completely.
7. Be ready to improve and correct yourself, first: If a parent is really interested to improve or change their kids action and behaviour and getting improper reactions from them on their maximum efforts, it is time to correct and improve themselves before their kids. Parents must remember this fact that a man of behaviour can only correct the behaviour of others.                                                                            
Parent's responsibility
8. Be responsible for your teen’s responsibilities: If a teen rejects to bear his/ her responsibility, a parent can’t save himself/herself saying this that it’s kid’s responsibility to accept it. Parents are always responsible to make their kids understand and bear their own responsibility. How should a parent convey and make them easy to do this, depend upon his personal behaviour and attitude.  
9. Be the best guider of your teen rather than a leader: You can’t lead and change directly your teens without arguments because they already wish to go on, independently but, they are needed for a good suggestion-provider, at the same time. As a parent, you should, tactfully, play the role of a guide and good suggestion-provider to correct and keep them on right track.
10. Be right logically always rather than becoming rigid to be right: Teens are more anger than adults. They are mostly intimidating for the parents and the parents may also be intimidating for their teens. Teens are, in fact, the learners for future so they naturally operate the thing or situation with a lot of arguments. They accept the things easily but mostly after a logical argument. Therefore, being right is, logically, necessary to deal a teen and it requires your 100% efforts.
11. Be a good suggestion-giver of your teen rather than being a suggestion-maker: Saying, ‘It is better to do this because…’ is far better than ‘you must…’ or ‘you will have to…’ for your teens. Both the dialogues mean the same but the levels of relaxation are much different. parents’ suggestions are important but must be conveyed tactfully and flexibly specially for teens.
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