1 February 2014

Teen-tantrum Management

Teen-tantrum Management

Defining all-age kids' tantrums, thoroughly:
In fact, Anger and Tantrum are mostly the co-relative reactive behaviour of a child. Both take place when they are depressed, irritated or suffering from any negative emotion or thought .But, the angers of the children generally show their aggressions over their silent depressions or irritations where as the tantrums show their depressions or irritations directly, where they show, generally, their weakness or sadness. In other words, an angry child shows his aggressions more and a child in tantrums looks poor, feared, depressed, sadly or even anger mixed.
  When the teens cannot do what they want, they feel frustrated. And, when the same conditions exit for a long time, they release their frustrations through tantrums. As a Teen-parent, you must know this fact, too, that the tantrums are mostly the part of preschoolers or school-ers  communications. Teens mostly show anger rather than tantrums. When they are prevented from having or doing what they want to, they show tantrums but not without arguments. So, the teen-tantrums may be the cause of physical check-ups when it continues with older teens.

Major reasons:
  • When the teens feel very bad and have a lot of negative emotions, at the same time.
  • When they are restricted to have or to do something and they feel right to.
  • When they are pressurized going out of their comfortable zones.
  • When their good deeds are not praised or appreciated, openly.
  • When they live or spend their most of time, alone or their parents don’t spend their active time with them.
  • When they live lives without variations and alternatives.
  • When they are forced to do what they don’t like.
  • When a parent has a lot of- ‘No’s
  • When, they are unable to express their angers due to fear or self-guilt feeling.
  • When, they need extra attentions of their parents.
  • They show sometimes a ‘blasted-tantrum’ when they are totally unable to control their feelings. This is nothing but a blasting of their patience, actually.

How can you check your teens' tantrums?
  • Don’t shout at, cry or threaten your teens when your teens are in tantrums.
  • Be polite and calm while handling your teen-tantrums.
  • Avoid reasoning and heavy conversation when they are in tantrums.
  • If your teen looks sad, upset, depressed or frustrated, try to make them easy and comfortable first but without any argument or heavy or hot discussions.
  • Afterwards, when they get easy and calm, try to enquire the problem and the reasons behind it. When all is well at home, try to understand what may go wrong outside home. Don’t show your aggression while talking to them. Your tempered words can hide the real situations or things.
  •  Analyzing the situation, take some initiatives to make their normal lives happy and cool. You must manage some cool discussions with your teens on different family matters, time to time to avoid their tantrums.
  • The most effective way keeping your teen tantrum-free is to spend some definite relaxed time with them, regularly. Occasionally, if you have to avoid your important work to do so, it does not matter. Keeping your full family happy, cheerful and relaxed needs some valuable in-puts.
  • Be a good listener for your teens. Never ignore their gabbling what they make in between their tantrums. It may give you some good ways to avoid the conditions in which they collect their aggressions or frustrations.
  • Let them feel your teens that you love and care for them so much for all time when they are closed to you.

Eleven most essential measures to avoid your teens' tantrums?
  1. Try to keep them healthy and peaceful, always.
  2. Try to add something new always to build up their good manners and character.
  3. Deal them with dignity and respect.Correct yourself first before correcting them.
  4. Be an active part of your teen's life and interests.
  5. Never miss dealing the consequences for what they want to do or to have or to go with.
  6. Don’t punish them when they have reasons to get out from.
  7. Don’t over rule over your kids.
  8. Don’t compromise with evil habits of your children in the beginning.
  9. Never teach them wrong for others. It works as a Boomerang in future.
  10. Be practical, open minded, and try to keep yourself up-to-date, in the society.
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